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How To Start Your Exercise Journey

Writer: Dr. PannellaDr. Pannella

With many of the patients who use our mobile chiropractic and massage services, we often tell them that one of the best ways to prevent pain in the future is strengthening their muscles. And while some of the homework we give them is beneficial, progressing past that point typically compounds the benefits.

person doing a situp

So, let's talk about how you can build the basics of an exercise routine.

If you spend more than 30 minutes on the Internet researching what you need to do for exercise, you’ll have enough information to give you a weeks-long headache. There's no need. Let’s review three basics when it comes to consistent exercise. Whether it’s for the first time or you’re trying to reshape your fitness after an extended period away from the gym, these three tips can be helpful for you!

The most important thing is this: Build a good routine around something you can be consistent with, if you don’t do that the chances of you making it a habit is slim to none!

1. Stick to something you enjoy!

The reality is this, if you can’t stick to something there’s a good chance you don’t enjoy it. You may also not have a strong enough "why". This will look different from person to person but it’s very important. You don’t need some over the top "why" for everything. I brush my teeth because I don’t want my teeth to rot out of my head, not because of some philosophical reasoning. But this doesn’t mean it doesn’t help structure the routine. If you think you'll have a better chance sticking to CrossFit because you'll enjoy it, do it. If you think it's best you do basic weight training in a big-box gym, go for it. If it's hiking, great! It really doesn’t matter what the activity is as long as you enjoy it.

2. Train harder than you think you can!

Don't go crazy, but don't be afraid to push yourself. The Internet will have you convinced you need to be ‘extra’ careful about training to failure, overtraining, and not exhausting yourself. I am going to be very frank, overtraining uncommon for most people. It’s a term brewed in fear! How do I know this? Because I lived this way for over ten years! It made the fun of exercise go away! Training to failure won't kill you. Not to mention, challenging yourself helps you feel accomplished - which increases the chance you'll stick to something!

3. Focus on the basics instead of the nuances!

The basics matter! Most people starting out don’t need any sort of complexity, at least not yet. Maybe it’s best to start with 3 days per week until you can hold that consistently for 3-6 months. After that, you can decide to change it. But for now keep it simple, stupid! Learn the basic movements! A squat, a hip hinge (aka deadlift), a push, a bench or a shoulder press! Start with those movements and do them often. Humans are experts in ‘majoring in the minors’. We think the super small details matter but they usually don’t. They matter when you’re a professional athlete.

We hope this helps! If you need some more guidance, don't be afraid to ask one of our providers in your next appointment.



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